
A hole in my Heart that feels like it will never heal

A rollercoaster of every emotion I have ever known

The most intense pain, EVER.


A realization that life will never be the same

Feeling like you are drowning and not able to get a breath of air

Sad. Just really, really sad.


I have heard grief described in many different ways. The experience is distinct for every person but there is one commonality. It is life-changing… When grief rears its ugly head, it is can be completely unexpected and it can bring you to your knees. Many people convince themselves that the pain will just go away, only to find that they are still working to heal their wounds many years later. All of this can make healing from the pain of a death loss seem like the impossible. I am here to tell you it is not. There is a happiness beyond your loss that’s awaiting you. With help, you can move through your grief and discover the inner strength that will guide you into the next chapters of life. Are you ready to begin your journey? I would be honored to be your guide.

6200 South Syracuse Way Suite 260
Greenwood Village, CO 80112
(720) 550-0704

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