Learning to Relax During a Pandemic

In light of the current state of the world, it’s no wonder that stress levels across the country are through the roof. Anxiety, depression, and other unpleasant feelings may be skyrocketing for you as well. Fortunately, we can linger on a simple truth, and that is that this pandemic will not last forever. Until then, it is up to us to take control of our own physical and mental health.

Keep in mind that this looks different to everyone. Some people find that exercise is their best recourse, while others need to socialize. There is no one right or one wrong way to ease your troubled thoughts, especially during these strange and unusual times. If you are looking for ways to relax your mind, body, and soul, the resources below can help, brought to you by Elysian.

6 Simple Yoga Stretches for Daily De-Stressing
Tips for Beating Anxiety to Get a Better Night’s Sleep
How to Optimize Your Home for Healthy, Stress-free Living
The Most Relaxing Shows to Stream Right Now
Top Reviewed Slow Cookers (2020 List)
11 Apps That’ll Find You New Friends in No Time
What Is CBD? Understanding the Effects of Cannabidiol
7 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change the Brain
Tip for Staying Active and Healthy During Quarantine
Energy from the Inside Out, and the Outside In

Relaxation doesn’t look the same to everyone. But, whether you need to beat the blues by watching TV, streamlining your cooking procedure, or staying fit and active, the links above can help. And even as restrictions began to loosen, these are great links to bookmark that can help you maintain your physical and mental health before and after this unprecedented global crisis.

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